One of the great things about the internet and the sheer amount of information available online, is that it is very easy to find local service providers.

Indeed, the days of having to thumb through thick, heavy telephone directories to find a local company to provide a service such as carpet and upholstery cleaning, are over. 

Now, we just open up our phones and type into Google whichever service we require and we’re presented with pages of search results and ads.

This sounds great – and it is, to an extent.

But when such a large choice is available, how do you decide which company to choose?

First, let’s take a look at the two main types of companies that provide carpet and upholstery cleaning services and their differences.

Carpet and upholstery cleaning specialists

These companies (like us at Clean Rescue) focus solely on carpet and upholstery cleaning and have gained a great deal of experience in this skilled trade. 

This means that they are usually carrying out multiple jobs per week and have come across all types of stains and issues. 

They will also carry specialist kit and equipment and have high-grade cleaning chemicals to tackle all types of stains and carpet fibres.

Often, they have attended many specific courses and have certifications that prove their competence.

General cleaning companies 

Many cleaning companies offer carpet cleaning as just one of a range of cleaning services.

This means that the majority of their business (and focus) usually lies in other areas of their operation, and they will often have far less experience than a specialist.

It will also often mean they have invested less money into their equipment and may lack specialist training.

Therefore, results can vary considerably with these companies.

Assessing competence

Now you understand that when looking for a local carpet and upholstery cleaning company you will usually find these two types of companies, how do you choose a company you can trust to do a great job?

Check reviews and testimonials

Positive online reviews and referrals are a strong indication of reliability and results.

Good reviews show that customers have taken the time to leave a review because they were happy with the service.

View photos and results

Before and after photos provide evidence of previous work.
Often, you will find photos in an online gallery that show the results of carpets very similar to yours, helping you to gauge likely results that can be attained.
Photos also prove that the company actually does have experience of cleaning carpets and upholstery.

Clear pricing and communication

A trustworthy carpet cleaning company will be upfront about their pricing and won’t surprise you with any unexpected extra charges.
They will also communicate clearly and respond to any queries and concerns promptly.


If you consider the above factors when you view the search results online, you can be confident that you are making an informed choice and that the service will match your expectations.
At Clean Rescue, great customer service and results are the most important factors in our business. 
We have decades of combined experience cleaning carpets and upholstery in South Wales and customers that return to use our services time and again.
We restore carpets and clean upholstery in Cardiff, Swansea, the Rhondda, Gwent and all areas between. 
For your free quotation, please feel free to get in touch today.



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